Thoracic Bascis - Introduction

What is Thoracic PoCUS?

Simply, it is sonographic imaging of the thoracic cavity - pleura, pleural space, lung parenchyma, diaphragm.

A relatively new field in comparison to other traditional sonographic indications - eg.) cardiac, abdominal, vascular, etc...

What does Thoracic PoCUS Hinges on?

Thoracic PoCUS is fundamentally anchored on the interaction of US waves with the Visceral to Parietal Pleura Interface (VPPI).

VPPI refers to the the space between these two thin membranes as illustrated by this schematic diagram.

Different sonographic patterns are generated depending on whether VPPI is apposed or separated (by fluid/air/solid).

Take Home Messages:
  • VPPI is the basis of thoracic PoCUS
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